Jon Larson
Landscapes & other art
August 13 - September 2, 2022
This current show represents Jon’s interest in landscapes over the years as a way of seeing nature’s many moods and also some of his other sides through dream images, homemade gifts and travel sketches.
Jon is an architect, illustrator, and painter who has taught art classes throughout the Bay Area for over 25 years and lectured on ‘Art in Everyday Life,’. His book and magazine illustrations have been published nationally, and his artwork has been exhibited in several galleries throughout the Bay Area.
Over the last 30 years, Jon has kept sketchbooks on his travels throughout Europe and the U.S., which he uses as a source of inspiration for his artwork. Other projects have included illustrations for a deck of creativity cards for generating new ideas called ‘Blockbusters’, inspired by Brian Eno’s “Oblique Strategies.” He is also an accomplished musician and has created a slide show of his dream images, set to music. Recent Zoom presentations during COVID times have been: ‘Follies and Fantasies in Art, Architecture and Everyday Life’ and ‘Nature in Art in Architecture’
M o r e I n f o a t: www. jonlarsonart.com
Included below are images of Jon playing a few accordion tunes under the redwoods at his Art & Lit Opening Celebration.